Six of the nine planetary limits defined by the international scientific community have been exceeded. Ecosystems are suffering and are no longer capable of supporting the vital functioning of the Earth, nor of regenerating themselves. In other words, the economic model with which humanity operates is no longer tenable. Paradigms need to change, and to achieve this, the focus needs to shift to a new principle: it’s not a question of destroying less, but rather of repairing. This is what is known as the regenerative economy, a system based on the proper use of natural and human capital, largely supported by scientific research. The challenge is to make regeneration a business in its own right, to be embraced by entrepreneurs, in order to create an economy that is good for the climate, good for resources and good for life.
Open Lande supports positive-impact initiatives through its ‘project labs’. The association mobilises local economic players around the issues of climate, biodiversity, and natural and human resources.
Winner of the Pays de la Loire region’s call for projects on the circular economy in 2022, the ‘Regenerate’ project aims to tackle the challenge of economic and ecological change as close to home as possible. To develop this regeneration economy, the project has two aims: firstly, to better identify the resilience needs of the region and, secondly, to encourage and support entrepreneurial regeneration projects.
First of all, an analysis is carried out to determine the area’s ‘biocapacity’ via in-depth interviews with local players. This information is then analysed against the challenges facing each area of the economy – tourism, industry, culture, health, technology and food. The result is a white paper, available to local players, presenting a diagnosis, strategic perspectives and promising solutions.
The second phase involves setting up a platform for regenerative projects in the Pays de la Loire region.
Key figures

Our support
- One-year partnership
- Financial support for the first phase of the ‘Regenerate’ project, with the production of a white paper as part of our awareness-raising campaign
- Support for the development of the local assessment through the skills sponsorship of two Mirova employees called upon to produce the white paper