When the conflict broke out, more than 3 million Ukrainians had to leave their country. One year after the start of the conflict, in February 2023, the United Nations Refugee Agency estimated that there were more than 8 million Ukrainian refugees in Europe. A total of 4.8 million applications for temporary protection have been registered in the countries of the European Union*.
In response to this humanitarian emergency in France, associations immediately took action, in coordination with government departments, to set up reception, support and accommodation facilities as quickly as possible – and for an indefinite period.
*Source: Le Monde, February 2023.
Since 1970, France Terre d’Asile has been providing support for asylum seekers, stateless persons and refugees, including unaccompanied foreign minors.
France Terre d’Asile has put in place a comprehensive 4-part system for Ukrainian refugees from the moment they arrive in a temporary reception centre. Firstly, families are housed on a tenancy basis under a tenancy agreement managed directly by the association. France Terre d’Asile takes care of fitting out and equipping the accommodation so that it is fully operational.
The second aspect focuses on the physical and mental well-being of the refugees, who have been badly affected by the exodus. France Terre d’Asile sets up therapeutic workshops in partnership with local associations. The sessions, led by local professionals, are held at home or in group sessions in temporary reception centres and dedicated partner spaces. The third component involves setting up French as a foreign language (‘FSL’) courses.
Lastly, the association equips volunteers in the field with equipment, office furniture, vehicles, etc. to support refugees under the best possible conditions.
Key figures

Our support
- Release of emergency aid of €100,000 for the reception of Ukrainian refugees in France, divided into two budgets of €50,000 each for France Terre d’Asile and Singa. This emergency aid is in addition to a €100,000 donation from Mirova for the International Red Cross and its work in the conflict zones.
- Targeted financial support for all 4 areas of action established by France Terre d’Asile