Project owner Ecolhuma

Integrating the challenges of the ecological transition into teaching

Ecolhuma wants to provide 110,000 secondary school teachers with new teaching tools on environmental issues. The aim is to help them understand these issues and apply them to the subjects they teach.


In light of the speed and force of ecological change, there is an urgent need for action to ensure that these developments become the concern of every citizen, especially the younger generations. In 2022, the French Minister for Education and Youth, Pap n’Diaye, made the environment a strategic focus of his term of office, stating that he wanted to reinforce learning about sustainable development in school curricula, both in primary and secondary schools. But the French education system will only be able to fully play its pivotal role in the ecological transition the teachers behind the system become actively involved in this issue. A change made by a single teacher can have an impact on the lives and minds of hundreds of young people.


Founded in 2012, Ecolhuma offers a range of support services for teachers and school heads with the aim of reducing inequalities at school and promoting the success of every student. Its aim is to help teachers incorporate environmental issues into their day-to-day teaching.

From September 2023, fact sheets and modules focusing on the energy transition will be available online on the EtreProf digital platform, launched in 2017 by two teachers in collaboration with the Ecolhuma association. These tools will be accompanied by online discussion forums and community spaces. At the start of each school year until 2025, four other modules on environmental themes will be released, supplemented by tutorials and ready-to-use projects, using a multidisciplinary approach. From 2023, an Observatory and a barometer will be launched to measure the transformation of teaching practices. An event will also be organised in 2025 for the network of teachers involved, with the aim of generating a collective momentum.

Key figures

Our support

  • Multi-year partnership (2023-2025)
  • Financial support (including structural costs) for the launch of the energy transition programme at the start of the 2023 academic year
  • Skills sponsorship (content creation and networking)
  • Outreach and advocacy

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