More than 8 out of 10 young people aged 15-20 said they were worried about their career choices, 30% of young people gave up access to healthcare during the COVID crisis due to a lack of resources, and 1.5 million young people were identified as ‘NEET’ (not in employment, education or training) in 2019*. These three figures illustrate a worrying situation, drastically worsened by the health crisis since 2020. Young people are the architects of tomorrow’s society and must be able to take control of their future so that they can find their place in society and play their full role as citizens. Offering them constructive solutions and prospects is a subject that must engage civil society as a whole.
*Sources: 1 Survey of confidence in the future of 15-20 year olds – l’Etudiant, BVA and Orange, March 2021 / 2 Report of the National Assembly’s committee of enquiry to measure and prevent the effects of the Covid-19 crisis on children and young people – December 2020 / 3 INSEE – NEET March 2021
Actions is a neutral, independent organisation that uses citizen involvement as a driver for positive change. Its unique method, based on participatory democracy, leads to the design of impact projects.
Mirova Foundation and launched the ‘Grande Cause’ #SolutionsJeunes, which six partners have agreed to join: La Poste Group, Caisse des Dépôts, Accenture, Viva Technology, MEDEF and Mouvement Impact France. The initiative mobilises a broad coalition of players from civil society: corporate sponsors, associations, institutions, universities, start-ups, media, etc. All are committed to helping the younger generation take up the challenge of choosing a career, becoming emancipated and making a real choice for the future.
The project comprises three stages: a large-scale citizens’ consultation; consultation with the players in the coalition and joint development of initiatives based on the most popular ideas; and a call for projects to support public interest solutions that concretely act on the approved ideas. The 10 winners selected in October 2022 will subsequently receive financial support and long-term skills sponsorship until 2025, to help them implement and grow their projects.
Key figures

Our support
- Multi-year partnership over 3 years and ‘co-publisher’ of the Grande Cause #SolutionsJeunes
- Financial support and guidance for one of the winners of the call for projects
- Involvement at all key stages of the partnership
- Outreach for equal opportunities issues