A new podcast created under the partnership between Mirova Foundation and France Active is now online on Europe 1. Its aim, to raise awareness of socially inclusive investment and share the amazing stories of committed entrepreneurs.
From Solène’s gardens in Vaucluse to Commown in Strasbourg; from Book Hémisphère in Brittany to the Centre Hélène Borel in northern France… dive into the boldness and commitment of these entrepreneurs who, every day, fight to change the world.
And thanks to socially inclusive investment, their projects have been able to grow and reach ever more
Mirova is one of France’s leading players in socially responsible finance. Through the support of our endowment fund, Mirova Foundation, we are not only strengthening our ties with France Active, Mirova’s long-term partner, we are also continuing, via philanthropy, to fulfil our mission of funding projects with meaningful social and environmental impact.
The Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) is a major asset for transforming our economy in a fair and sustainable way. As one of the main private financial partners of France Active, a pioneering association in the sector, Mirova Foundation aims to democratise access to socially responsible investment throughout the country. To this end, the ‘Impacts solidaires’ podcast series raises awareness of socially responsible investment and shines a spotlight on committed entrepreneurs.

Episode 1: Solène Espitalié – ‘Solène’s gardens’
‘Les Jardins de Solène’ is an organisation based in the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region that has been working for several years to promote inclusive employment by upcycling unsaleable agricultural produce in its area. In practical terms, the association collects ‘ungraded’ fruit and vegetables from growers, washes and reconditions them. It then returns the produce to circulation by selling it to hospitals and schools for meal preparation. All this is achieved with assistance from disabled employees who are on integration programmes. The association helps these workers gain confidence and independence (personal, housing, mobility, etc.) while providing them the opportunity to learn a trade.
Episode 2: Adrien Montagut – ‘Commown’
What if you were to never buy another smartphone, tablet or computer, ever? What if the solution were to rent them instead? That’s what the Commown team believes in, to prevent the over-consumption of IT and electronic equipment. This new way of consuming is aimed at both professionals and private individuals. Participants are offered a warranty and maintenance service in the form of a monthly package.
The company, whose four founders have adopted a cooperative mode of governance (more precisely, a Scic: ‘Société coopérative d’intérêt collectif’), maintains a holistic and comprehensive commitment on environmental and social issues.
Episode 3: Caroline Nio – ‘Centre Hélène Borel’
Established in the early 1960s, the Centre Hélène Borel offers a range of services for adults with physical disabilities, combining care, socio-educational support, accommodation and home care.
The association’s latest project is the ‘Ail’leurs farm’, which will provide holiday accommodations for people with disabilities and their caregivers in a setting that breaks with the ordinary while providing differentiated care. Because it is open to the general public as well, the farm also contributes to social inclusion.
Episode 4: Benjamin Duquenne – ‘Book Hémisphère’
On the shelves of Book Hémisphère are 420,000 books patiently awaiting their readers. In the heart of the Morbihan region, this social integration business, incorporated as a cooperative (Scic), collects and refurbishes books to put them back into circulation. Some 15 employees, most of whom are on integration contracts, work in the shop or dispatching parcels sold through the livrenpoche.com website.
Scheduled for release on 28 November
Episode 5: Fanny Gérome – ‘France Active’
Listen as Fanny Gérome, Deputy Director General of France Active, explains how the association works with socially inclusive entrepreneurs and association managers. In the current context of multidimensional crises, France Active is launching a new approach, Actifs Solidaires, to help associations and SSE companies invest effectively and enhance their social and environmental utility. The programme, designed as an introduction to Capex and investment, aims to remove obstacles and encourage socially committed entrepreneurs to scale up. The approach, supported by France Active, mobilises both partner organisations committed to its associative project and SSE leaders. By drawing on solidarity savings, France Active allows citizens to finance concrete, local projects whose first return on investment is their social and environmental value.
Scheduled for release on 5 December
Discover the first podcasts
‘Impact Solidaires’ podcastLearn more about our partnership
Mirova Foundation and France Active partnership