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Mirova Foundation and Watt For Change announce 4 new winners with the goal of promoting green energy worldwide

Since 2021, Mirova Foundation and Watt For Change, endowment fund of the VALOREM Group, have been jointly financing a campaign for access to green energy around the world, consisting of two calls for projects per year. This round, we are headed for Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire and Togo, where the two partners are announcing the renewal of their support for associations working to promote green energy worldwide.

The projects supported abroad all leverage the development of renewable energy, coupled with other mechanisms such as methanisation or biofuels, to meet the challenge of electrification and access to energy in rural areas. These technologies are both accessible and environmentally friendly, fostering the creation of micro-businesses, providing a reliable source of energy for healthcare facilities and improving access to education.

GRET won for its Fatysen project ‘The typha craft industry in Senegal’ in Senegal. GRET is helping the small-scale units of Pomo, Ronkh and Bango in Senegal to develop uses of typha and ensure the sustainability of their activities. The aim of this approach is to increase the income of coop members and enhance the positive impact of typha processing on the environment.

The Institut Européen de Coopération de Développement (IECD) received supporton energy and rural development through the installation of a solar platform that will enable the economic development of 4 rural villages in Côte d’Ivoire.

Moi Jeu Tri was awarded funding for the Val’IDEEE project to manage the end-of-life of products from Togo’s solar industry, taking the first steps towards an economically sustainable channel for managing electrical and electronic waste from Togo’s solar industry.

WOMEN ENGAGE FOR A COMMON FUTURE was chosen for a project run by women committed to the energy and water transition with the aim of improving access to productive resources and enhancing the profitability of economic activities run by women entrepreneurs by installing solar equipment in Senegal.

Find out more about our partnership

Watt For Change and Mirova Foundation