- Mirova Foundation inaugurates its first financing.
- Following its first call for projects, three winners were selected: Humanity Diaspo, La Cravate Solidaire and CARI.
- Two “Forward” projects will enable the endowment fund to support two flagship projects around equal opportunities and water with Make.org and WWF France.
Three first projects supported over 3 years
Under the terms of its first call for projects, Mirova Forward aims to offer personalized support over three years to three NGOs addressing the fight against precariousness, professional integration and agroecology. The three award winners are all engaged at community-level and offer high-impact actions for their beneficiaries.
- Humanity Diaspo
Mirova Foundation has chosen to support Humanity Diaspo, a development, tech for good and feminist NGO created in 2018 to help vulnerable populations, especially women and students in precarious situations, and promote their empowerment. Through several projects based on gender equality, the circular economy and the use of virtuous technology, Humanity Diaspo has supported, since its creation, more than 312,000 beneficiaries in France, and more recently in Lebanon and Ukraine.
Mirova Foundation’s support will allow Humanity Diaspo to structure its development and pursue the strengthening and the spin-off of «Molly Urgences précarités» which is the first application to fight against hygienic, menstrual and child precariousness in France. The projects allows free access to basic necessities for people in precarious situations, thanks to a virtuous technology and the valorization of anti-waste.
- La Cravate Solidaire
La Cravate Solidaire supports the integration and reintegration of more than 6,000 people per year through «Coup de Pouce» workshops. The beneficiaries come from situations of exclusion and are far from professional life. With La Cravate Solidaire, they work on their self-esteem through a solidarity dressing room that provides professional outfits and receive advice on interview etiquette with professional HR coaches.
Mirova Foundation becomes the main patron of La Cravate Solidaire for the next 3 years. This support should allow the association to scale up after 10 years of existence and grow a more massive presence throughout France with more than 10,000 beneficiaries assisted per year by 2025.
The Arutae project, led by CARI («Centre d’Actions et de Réalisations Internationales»), a pioneer NGO in agroecology, is the first phase of a 9-year programme aimed at the resilience of the populations of the Arusha region in Tanzania, in the face of climate and environmental change. This project combines agroecology, fight against desertification and economic development of local populations.
The support of Mirova Foundation will allow to deploy this pilot project, which could eventually be replicated on a larger scale. The goal is to support more than 1,000 farmer families in sustainable land management and agro-ecological transition, to improve their livelihood
A reinforced support for two « Forward » projects
At the same time, the endowment fund wants to boost projects around priority themes, each with a key partner. For the 2022-2025 period, the two themes selected are equal opportunities and water management.
The first project was launched in March with Make.org and its “Grande Cause” «Youth Solutions» co- published with Mirova Foundation and more than 50 partners to allow each young person to find his/her place in society. The second project supported by WWF France will have two components: support for the Ice and Life research programme studying the impact of melting alpine glaciers on biodiversity conservation, and the establishment of a pilot project in the South-East and South-West of France on improved water management in agricultural practices.

Anne-Claire Roux Managing Director of Mirova Foundation Philanthropy must allow us to expand our impact and support projects of general interest with the mobilization of our employees. I am very pleased today to deploy our resources in support of projects led by committed and ambitious collectives that address societal issues necessary for better living together and environmental issues.

Philippe Zaouati CEO of Mirova and President of Mirova Foundation Our Endowment Fund was created with the will to support projects complementary to the investment themes that we carry at Mirova and thus fill in the blind spots of what we cannot finance as an investor. These first projects are a perfect match!