The actions we support

Mirova Foundation provides personalized support over a period of three years. We support public interest organisations and/or projects that are at a critical juncture, whether launching or scaling up, and which must be sustainable and/or replicable.

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Restoring and protecting coral ecosystems 

Project owner Coral Guardian

In response to global warming and anthropogenic pressures on coral ecosystems around the world, Cora...

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Deepening our understanding of oceans to protect them better

Project owner Under The Pole

Under The Pole explores marine forests in the mesophotic zone at depths of between 30 and 200 meters...

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Promoting a transition to sustainable fishing 

Project owner Pleine Mer

The Pleine Mer association is rolling out its ‘Mer de Liens’ project to counter the collapse of smal...

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Promoting improved resilience and management of water resources

Project owner WWF France

Mirova Foundation and WWF France are committed to protecting freshwater in France through a partners...

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Rethinking tomorrow’s civilisation

Project owner Un Monde Nouveau

The climate crisis is a terrible wake-up call, but also an opportunity to regenerate and build new b...

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Raising awareness among the general public and the sporting community about glacier melting and climate issues

Project owner Riding to Explore / Sport for Future

Through the power of spectacular, never-before-seen images of kitesurfing on the world's highest lak...

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Entrepreneurship to regenerate the environment

Project owner Open Lande

To build a sustainable model of society, based on human activities that respect the environment, Ope...

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Taking action in response to the urgent need for energy sobriety

Project owner

Moving towards greater energy sobriety must be understood as a short- to medium-term priority, given...

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Integrating the challenges of the ecological transition into teaching

Project owner Ecolhuma

Ecolhuma wants to provide 110,000 secondary school teachers with new teaching tools on environmental...

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