Project owner Under The Pole

Deepening our understanding of oceans to protect them better

Under The Pole explores marine forests in the mesophotic zone at depths of between 30 and 200 meters, and raises awareness about their existence, functioning and major role in regulating the climate.


Although oceans cover more than 70% of our planet, only their surface is known, and that’s only 5%1 of their extent. The area located at greater depths, known as the mesophotic zone, situated between 30 and 200 metres below the surface, is little understood and poorly protected due to a lack of scientific observations. 

And yet, these virtually unknown ecosystems are just as important from an environmental point of view as terrestrial forests, due to their role as a refuge for surface species that are under serious threat from climate change. 

In the mesophotic zone, corals are not affected by bleaching and the diversity of species is greater than in the surface zone.2 These marine forests are genuine sanctuaries for biodiversity. 

It is therefore essential that we better understand and protect the mesophotic zone in order to preserve its wealth of biodiversity. 

1UICN, juin 2024 :
2Under The Pole III en Polynésie Française, février 2019 :


Established in 2018, the association known as Antipodes Sciences & Pédagogie (Antipodes Science & Learning) has already amassed more than 15 years’ experience with Under The Pole in the quest for greater knowledge and preservation of ocean environments. Certified under the auspices of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) or ‘Oceans Decade’, the DeepLife programme is led by Under The Pole, the French CNRS, and an international scientific consortium (40 international researchers). 

Its main objective is to explore and understand the functioning of marine forests in the mesophotic zone that lies between 30 and 200 metres below the surface of the world’s oceans, and their role in regulating the climate. 

The overarching goals of Under The Pole are to publicise first-hand fieldwork and results of the scientific research programmes through educational initiatives (in partnership with the French Ministry of Education) and to raise awareness of the issues and protective measures, in addition to lobbying international bodies (IUCN, Ocean and Climate Platform). 

Under The Pole expeditions will be deployed in the Mediterranean in 2024 (Greece, France, Italy), in the Caribbean in 2025 (Guadeloupe and one or two additional sites to be determined), and in the Pacific from 2026. 

Meanwhile, Under The Pole is working to raise awareness among the general public and schoolchildren using a range of tools: 

  • An itinerant caravan in France  
  • Classroom presentations 
  • Participation in events for the general public 

Key figures

Our support

  • Multi-year partnership over three years (2024-2027) 
  • Support for Under The Pole to scale up its awareness campaigns, popularise scientific research and lobby public officials or decision-makers to take action protecting these zones, which remain poorly understood.   
  • Skill-based sponsorship according to needs as identified by Under The Pole  
  • Outreach and raising awareness  

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