The Ecoles de la Transition Ecologique – ETRE network is an association that links the ETRE schools at a national level and supports them in their development. ETRE schools are training organisations that educate and train young people between the ages of 16 and 25 who are employment-challenged (school drop-outs, career switching, new immigrants) to meet the needs of professions relevant to environmental transition: eco-construction, urban agriculture, bicycle repair, renewable energy, circular economy, etc. The school’s fundamental teaching principles are: embodied learning (workshops and collective projects), direct contact with professionals and personalised support for each youth.
Thanks to this grant, the Ecoles ETRE will be able to step up the development of support services for existing training organisations, to help them address the issue of environmental transition in their training courses. The aim is to leverage the entire vocational training landscape and foster the integration of environmental transition skills by training organisations.
The project consists of 3 stages:
- To start, a sector benchmark will be carried out for the following sectors: building and public works, catering and waste management, in view to:
– Identifying the sectoral transformation challenges and skill requirements
– Identifying the role of environmental transition skills in existing diplomas
– Identifying obstacles to including these skills in vocational training. - Defining a set of green skills to complement existing qualifications.
- Developing a support programme for other training organisations, enabling them to incorporate the skills necessary for environmental transition into their existing training programmes.
Key figures

Our support
- Two-year partnership
- Financial support
- Skill-based sponsorship according to needs as identified by Les Ecoles ETRE to buttress their economic model.
- Sounding board to amplify and heighten awareness of these issues as part of La Grande Cause Solutions Jeunes alongside